Friday 7 June 2013


youcleverboy: i bet that if someone arranged all the harry potter gifs on tumblr chronologically...


i bet that if someone arranged all the harry potter gifs on tumblr chronologically we'd get the complete 8 movies

takealookatyourlife: s0mmerspr0ssen: For his recently...



For his recently published picture book Freckles (Splice Pictures Publishing), the Swiss photographer Reto Caduff has taken pictures of freckled women all over Europe. His pictures prove: freckles are beautiful. Don't hide yourself in the shade! I think what I love about this the most is the vast diversity of people who are blessed with freckles. (x)

I used to get heaps of freckles in the summer (I still do I guess but less noticeably) and thought they were pretty ugly. 

Nowadays I think they look pretty great. 

thegreatnessideserve: shorthaired: My new (shortest ever)...



My new (shortest ever) haircut, I love it a lot


wolfburied: I think a big part of why I read way more fanfiction than books is that there's just a...


I think a big part of why I read way more fanfiction than books is that there's just a hell of a lot less exposition

the first 10 pages of most books are always "these are the main characters and here's some background on each of them and this is the setting etc etc" and it's such a fucking hassle getting to the plot sometimes

fanfic is just like "fuck it you know all of this already let's go"

atheistrose: godlessmen: The all wise, all powerful "God" as...



The all wise, all powerful "God" as seen by rednecks…

I'd like to correct this:

"God, send us someone to cure AIDS, cancer, etc., etc."

"I did, but you gave them a substandard education because they lived in an area with poor funding due to low property taxes.  I did, but you let them die because they couldn't afford healthcare.  I did, but due to racism you stomped out their potential and didn't give them the same opportunities.  I did, but you make a college education too unaffordable while giving the big bankers passes.  I did, but you saw a homeless youth before you saw a kid with potential.  I did, but you kicked the downtrodden while they were already shoulder deep in sinking sand."

bettynerdgirl: "Ugh, you're so adorable. I want to be friends with you," I whisper as I like your...


"Ugh, you're so adorable. I want to be friends with you," I whisper as I like your posts and never speak to you.

takealookatyourlife: thedukeoflions: How Can I Show Feminists...



How Can I Show Feminists That I Am Smarter Than Them? (NCITW)

I think this is the best response this guy has given yet. (Don't worry, the title is regarding what he's been asked.)

Reblogging for the bit about no one caring about your hypothetical details. PREACH IT

geeklight: Han Solo Cup & Chewbacca the Cookie by Philip...


Han Solo Cup & Chewbacca the Cookie by Philip Tseng made real by Susan S of Diamonds for Dessert. She calls them Chewie Wookie Cookies.

Via Neatorama

alyossan: I remember the first time someone told me to keep Mace in my purse for self-defense, I...


I remember the first time someone told me to keep Mace in my purse for self-defense, I thought they were talking about an actual fucking medieval weapon mace.

I wish that had actually been what they were talking about because that sounds badass as hell. Getting attacked by some dude? I DON'T THINK SO MOTHERFUCKER


amexicanwithamustache: motherstrickle: partybarackisinthehousetonight: do catholics fail...




do catholics fail trigonometry because they're afraid of sin

do irish people fail trigonometry because they can't tan

does everyone else fail trigonometry just cos


the-adorable-blog: Check out these fluffy ass cows! moar aww


Check out these fluffy ass cows!

moar aww

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry,..."

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."

- Oscar Wilde (via johnwatscn)

doctorwho: Bow ties were never cooler.


Bow ties were never cooler.


edwardspoonhands: tomorrow-anotherchance: what the actual...



what the actual fuck

The award for best use of a YouTube thumbnail goes to…

[x] "What am I doing here?  Where's Jared?  Oh,...


"What am I doing here?  Where's Jared?  Oh, hey, you said my show.  Cool.  Um, what do I do?  Jared's not here!  Quick, salute the crowd, make them think you're cool.  Yeah, they loved it.  Wish Jared was here to see that.  Why did I let my wife talk me into this?  These things are no fun without Jared.  There's not even any props."

outofthecavern: magebird: wavfile: gogoatz: look at this...





look at this fucker

The video still makes it look like it's dead or something but it's not it's cool I watched it he's fine.


omg his noises! They're like a kittens ! Cutie!

1o14: i want world peace but there are people i want to kill first


i want world peace but there are people i want to kill first

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